Our Environment

Emissions Reduction and Energy Efficiency

Echoing the national dual carbon targets of “strives to reach the peak of carbon dioxide emission by 2030, and to achieve carbon neutral by 2060”, we set long-term carbon reduction and energy goals in 2021 based on different businesses, and formulated internal policies, such as “Energy and Water Resources Management Measures” and “Li Ning Sports Park Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction Management Regulations”, and refine and improve management measures to implement energy-saving and emission-reduction targets and tasks, the measures of which include, but are not limited to, the use of LED lighting and solar heating, maintaining air-conditioning at 26 degrees celsius in summer, power off the electricity and shutdown of related electrical equipment after get off work. Our refrigeration systems regulate indoor temperature using smart technology and data analytics to optimize energy performance and promote energy savings.

In addition, we are promoting energy innovation and efficient use of energy by improving the efficiency of energy use and the use of clean energy to ease the pressure of energy shortage while reducing pollution emissions. We seized energy saving opportunities by introducing renewable energy and upgrading the hardware of our sports experience and apparel and footwear businesses. In addition to the installation of solar panels and solar hot water systems, we also support the development of electric vehicles in China by providing more electric vehicle charging facilities in our sports facilities.

Long-term carbon reduction and energy targets applicable for our respective operations:

As part of our environmental stewardship, we strive to promote waste reduction and recycling at our sports destinations, retail stores, offices and warehouses. As the amount of hazardous waste generated is minimum, the Group will engage a third party qualified recycler to dispose of the hazardous waste when it is collected to a certain extent. Our waste reduction and recycling measures include but not limited to:

• Reusing office supplies and festive decorations where possible
• Encouraging reusing paper for printing and set the default mode of all network printers to double-sided printing
• Digitalising our internal communications, circulating memorandums and reports in e-format
• Strictly implementing garbage classification in all districts
• Collaborating with licensed contractors and green organisations and prioritize the use of environmental friendly or recycled materials
• Recycling bins with clear signage are placed and waste recycling items cover paper, cardboard boxes, plastics, metals, non-confidential documents, electrical appliances and toners cartridges
• Advocating low-carbon travel, energy conservation and environmental protection

Waste categorisation: installation of different types of waste collection bins

Waste categorisation: installation of different types of waste collection bins

Recycle paper for repeated use

Recycle paper for repeated use