Board of Directors

The members of the board of directors (the "Board") of PAX Global Technology Limited are set out below:


Executive Directors

Mr. Nie Guoming (Chairman)

Mr. Lu Jie (Chief Executive Officer)

Mr. Li Wenjin

Mr. Cheung Shi Yeung, Ethan (Chief Financial Officer)


Independent Non-Executive Directors

Mr. Yip Wai Ming

Dr. Wu Min

Mr. Man Kwok Kuen, Charles

Mr. Fok Wai Shun, Wilson


The Board has established three committees, namely, the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee, for overseeing specific aspects of the Company’s affairs. Chairman and members of each Board committee as are set out below:

Chairman and members of Board Committees

Audit Committee Mr. Yip Wai Ming
Dr. Wu Min Mr. Man Kwok Kuen, Charles
Mr. Fok Wai Shun, Wilson
Nomination Committee Dr. Wu Min
Mr. Yip Wai Ming Mr. Li Wenjin
Remuneration Committee Mr. Yip Wai Ming
Dr. Wu Min Mr. Li Wenjin
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T: +852 2500 8510
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