For a better world For a better planet
For a better world For a better planet
For a better world For a better planet
Using Innovation to Drive Environmental Impact

At PAX Technology, we're committed to responsible business practices for a sustainable future. As a leading Android SmartPOS provider, we create eco-friendly, efficient devices that reduce waste and energy consumption.

Using Innovation to Drive Environmental Impact
Striving for Excellence and Innovation
Striving for Excellence and Innovation
Striving for Excellence and Innovation

Using Innovation to drive environmental impact

People-Oriented Approach
People-Oriented Approach
People-Oriented Approach

Actively providing various employee benefits and training opportunities to build a talent development platform

Shouldering Environmental Responsibility
Shouldering Environmental Responsibility
Shouldering Environmental Responsibility

Formulating environmental targets to tackle potential climate change risks

Contributing to Society
Contributing to Society
Contributing to Society

Sincerely shouldering corporate social responsibility and contributing to societal development altogether

Striving for Excellence and Innovation
Striving for Excellence and Innovation

Using Innovation to drive environmental impact

Striving for Excellence and Innovation
People-Oriented Approach
People-Oriented Approach

Actively providing various employee benefits and training opportunities to build a talent development platform

People-Oriented Approach
Shouldering Environmental Responsibility
Shouldering Environmental Responsibility

Formulating environmental targets to tackle potential climate change risks

Shouldering Environmental Responsibility
Contributing to Society
Contributing to Society

Sincerely shouldering corporate social responsibility and contributing to societal development altogether

Contributing to Society
Environmental <br>Sustainability <br>Practice
Recycling Materials Production Technology Maintenance <p><span>20.5% </span><br />2023 Total GHG<br />Emission Reduced</p>

2023 Total GHG
Emission Reduced


We design eco-friendly products using better, more sustainable materials. Rigorous processes are implemented across the supply chain to ensure improved material usage efficiency & reduced energy consumption.


We are ISO 14001:2015 certified. In 2022 our Total Energy Consumption was reduced by over 27%.


Our New Products are powered by energy-efficient microprocessors & chips, which handle tasks with comparatively less power consumption.


Customer satisfaction is 95% for PAX products & services.
MAXSTORE’s AirViewer reduces in-store visits, helping to lower traffic congestion.


In 2022 PAX Technology reduced Hazardous Waste emissions by 65%.
Recycled Cardboard is used in all PAX product packaging.